Gila monster shows up at home in San Diego

FRESNO, California

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The Giorgetta family says they are used to seeing wildlife, even right up to their front door. But three days ago, they saw something they've never seen before.

"The thing was two feet, it was this big," said Jennifer Giorgetta. "Black and yellow stripes with this beaded skin."

The Giorgetta's son said, "My dad came outside and said, 'oh my gosh, there's a lizard!'"

The lizard, was actually a two-foot long Gila monster -- and it's venomous.

The family says when they tried to move it to a safe spot with a shovel, the creature started hissing. That's when they called animal control.

Animal experts say Gila monsters come from the desert, mostly in Arizona and Nevada. Why this one was in the family's backyard, is still a mystery.

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