Local home builder De Young Properties taking step forward when it comes to energy efficiency

Wednesday, August 30, 2017
Local home builder De Young Properties taking step forward when it comes to energy efficiency
De Young properties unveiled its newest project aimed at taking sustainability to a new generation of homes.

CLOVIS, Calif. (KFSN) -- De Young properties unveiled its newest project aimed at taking sustainability to a new generation of homes.

"A zero energy community is basically a community of homes where each home is designed with a potential to produce as much clean energy as they consume in a year," said Brandon De Young with De Young properties.

The new subdivision will include 36 grid connected homes. Work is already underway at Shaw and Highland in Clovis on the Zero Energy Community.

"Make sure you use energy efficient windows, of course the heating and cooling equipment itself, make sure that high efficiency. So all of those kinds of things-- LED lighting, things you hear about these days. It's not just one silver bullet, it's the whole thing," said De Young.

De Young said the homes will look the same as other homes, however, there's will have energy efficient features and tesla solar panels, which homeowners will lease.

De Young said they decided to go this route because of the environment, buyers, and California's building energy codes.

PG&E Spokesperson Denny Boyles said, "I would say this is the next evolution of home design. For years PG&E has talked about customers being more efficient in the way that they use energy for the main reason that it reduces their energy costs."

Officials said this will be a project other home builders will be watching.

"There's a challenge-- in order to make the houses more affordable builders are putting houses on smaller and smaller lots. In order to get a 2,000 square foot home on a very small lot you got to go two stories and that limits the amount of space on the roof you can put solar," said Mike Prandini with the Building Industry Association Fresno and Madder Counties.

De Young's Zero Energy Community is expected to be lining these streets and welcoming its first homeowners in spring of 2018.