Trump fundraiser helped the candidate raise money and support from prominent Valley farmers

Wednesday, August 31, 2016
Trump fundraiser helped the candidate raise money and support from prominent Valley farmers
Donald Trump spent time fielding questions from farmers in Tulare and meeting those who were willing to spend up to $25,000.

TULARE, Calif. (KFSN) -- It was a brief visit, just three hours in total, with most of the time dedicated to a drive down and back up Highway 99. The other hour, Trump spent fielding questions from farmers in Tulare and meeting those who were willing to shell out up to $25,000.

"I would say what you see on TV is not always what people are," said James Henderson, Tulare County Republican Party Chairman.

In the past what we've seen is a presidential candidate who wanted to build a wall and who claimed there is no drought. Henderson said Trump's views on immigration have changed-- he hinted at pushing for a policy that would increase security while allowing guest workers.

"It's very workable. I think he understands the importance of having a strong work labor force here in the Valley and I think he gets it."

Republican Congressman Devin Nunes was trump's tour guide of sorts. He hosted the visit and echoed the need for water to start flowing to farms.

"He's got a real grasp of it. Better than any presidential candidate has had, at least during my time."

Nunes' opponent in the November election, Democrat Louie Campos, disagrees. He believes Nunes has an allegiance to the wealthy and it's clouding his judgment.

"He's going to a big time money fundraiser right now, and right across the street, more than likely, there's people toiling in the fields. They are never going to talk to them."

In Trump's short time here he managed to raise about $1.25 million-- which could be a record for the Central Valley.

As far as water goes, Trump supporters said he has a good grasp on what the Valley needs. They believe if he wins in November, he could bring relief.