Tough economic times in an even tougher job market often lead to lots of headaches. But before you get burned out check out the website www.workplace911.com. The site offers tips on finding a new job in even these difficult economic times as well as suggestions on how to get ahead at work or how to be more efficient.
The homepage may not be much to look at, but when you click on any of the site's links, you will find everything from the helpful to the hilarious.
First register and then pick a color. If you need to get something off your chest click the red rant option. If you need advice, click "repair." Or if you have something nice to say click "rave." But what you may find the most entertaining are two features.
One called 9-1-1 is a confessional where you can bare any secret that you may have been hiding from your co-workers to the whole world. Like fridge friend who admits to being the one who eats other people's food in the office fridge. Or you can send an anonymous e-card that allows you to say whatever to whomever you like.
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