This program aired on Sunday, February 15th, 2009 at 10:30am on ABC 30.
The February 15th show featured the following:
Boy Scouts
The boys scouts is an organization that has been helping shape the lives of thousands of boys and young men for the past 100 years.
Now the Boy Scouts of America are hoping 2009 will bring some new faces into local packs. They're working to recruit more young Hispanics.
Girl Scouts
Efforts to get girls involved in the community by joining the Girl Scouts.
New Youth Center
A new 12,000 square foot facility in downtown Fresno is welcoming kids of all ages to a new kind of youth center. It focuses on developing kids' minds and expanding their opportunities. The new Dickey Youth Development Center was made possible through a continuing partnership between the City Of Fresno's Parks and Recreation Department and the Chicano Youth Center.
Fresno County Teacher of the Year
A look at the Valley teacher recently awarded Fresno County's Teacher of the Year. Hear Neraida Barba's story.
Mexican Guava
A new fruit has been formally introduced to the Central Valley. After 20 years of negotiations, the Mexican Guava will finally be available at many valley supermarkets.
Boy Scouts of America
Sequoia Council, BSA #027
6005 N. Tamera Avenue
Fresno, CA 93711
Bus: 559-320-2100
Girl Scouts of Central California South
4910 E. Ashlan, Suite 105
Fresno, CA 93726
Contact Emily Cabrera: (559) 291-5078 ext. 30
230 NW 3rd Ave.
Visalia, CA 93291-3628
(559) 713-1885
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