Consumer Watch: Exercising at home

Thursday, March 26, 2020
Consumer Watch: Exercising at home
Getting exercise is important to not only to stay physically and mentally fit but also to avoid going stir crazy.

Right now, lots of people are working out at home. Many of them are doing it for the first time.

Getting exercise is important to not only to stay physically and mentally fit but also to avoid going stir crazy.

YouTube videos or at-home training apps can give you guided routines with the flexibility of doing it at home on your own time.

If you've got a treadmill or elliptical, now is the time to put it to use. Try doing a little cardio every day to boost energy and clear your mind.

If you don't have a cardio machine, try going up and down the stairs, jumping rope, do jumping jacks or even dance. Do anything to get you moving.

To crank it up a notch, there are tons of free high-intensity interval training videos on the internet.

Beyond cardio work, strength training helps preserve muscle mass and maintain metabolism and can be done effectively using bodyweight, or just items from around the house.

Focus on trying to find a fun activity that gets you moving and breaks up the monotony of the day.