Creek Fire: Valley Girl Scouts launch wildfire relief patch to support evacuees

Friday, September 25, 2020
Girl Scouts launch wildfire relief patch to support evacuees
Troops around the Valley have been stepping up to help their community. They've also launched a Wildfire Relief Patch to raise money for evacuees.

FRESNO COUNTY, Calif. (KFSN) -- As the Creek Fire burned the mountains, people of all ages were among those forced to evacuate in a moment's notice.

"It was very scary because a lot of people were saying it was close to our house. It ended up not coming near our house, and we got to go home.," said Fiona Thomas.

Fiona Thomas is a girl scout from Auberry, and she misses her troop. Several were displaced because of the wildfire.

Local Girl Scout troops saw the devastation and jumped to help.

"When we heard about it, I was camping up in the mountains with my family, and we were really close to the fires. So that was really scary, and we had to evacuate," said Claire Full.

Claire Full is a member of Troop 3339. The girls raised $2,500 in 48 hours.

"We were able to buy carloads of supplies for firefighters. We asked for the community to give us direct names of families that were evacuated and lost everything. Then we bought them gift cards and asked them directly what we can do for you today?" said Ashley Full, leader of Troop 3339.

They put together kits to give to evacuees.

"We went row by row in a line, we grabbed one bag and then we grabbed the first item, next item and had to wait in a line for a person to be done," said Maggie Full.

The girls say they learned important lessons.

"It made me feel like I was doing the right thing, something that would help others," said Ariana Quigley.

The Girl Scouts of Central California South has been inspired by local troops' work and has launched a Wildfire Relief Patch. Profits will go to those affected by the wildfires.

As for Fiona, even though she experienced a disaster, she found a way to serve.

"I was calling everyone, making sure everyone was OK. After I got home, I ended up volunteering and helping with donations for other people," she said

She's now looking forward to the day when her troop can reunite in person.

The Girl Scouts of Central California South will be giving out those wildfire relief patches in the coming months. They've set up a link on its website to help fire victims in the five counties in our area.

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