Workouts for arthritis sufferers

Wednesday, September 9, 2015
Workouts for arthritis sufferers
Rhonda Murphy shows some exercises that can help with sore joints.

"Move it or lose it!"

Physical activity is important for overall health. It is even more important for people with arthritis, because there's disability associated with the condition.

First, you move less because it is painful, then you start to lose the ability to move. It can become a vicious cycle. Of course, it is not as simple as hopping on the treadmill or hitting the weight room. The body has limitations especially if you have arthritis in the hips or knees.

Finding exercises you can do to make the most of your mobility without increasing pain or risking injury.

Exercises to Avoid With Arthritis of the Knee or Hip:

  • Running
  • Jumping rope
  • High-impact aerobics
  • Any activity where, at any time, you have both feet off the ground at once, however briefly

Areas you need to focus on:

  • Weight-bearing cardiovascular activity
  • Strengthening activity
  • Flexibility and range of motion