Latino Life

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Saturday, June 11, 2016

LATINA PRINCESS - A closer look at Disney's first Latina Princess.

ARTE AMERICAS - Check out some great pieces from the new exhibit at Arte Americas. South of the Grapevine features the work of Southern California artists. Admission is free. You can also check out the latest of the Nights in the Plaza concert series.

Guest: Frank Delgado/Arte Americas Executive Director

Arte Americas

(559) 266-2623


A HEALTHIER FRESNO - The movement to create a healthier community. Fresno Building Healthy Communities is a coalition of 30 community-based, and faith-based organizations, along with 1000 residence and young people working together to make one healthy Fresno.

Work includes access to parks and healthcare.

Guest: Sandra Celedon-Castro/Fresno Building Healthy Communities Hub Manager

Fresno Building Healthy Communities

(559) 256-8722


AG FOR HIRE APP - A Huron native and current West Hills College Coalinga student helps invents an app that can help connect farmworkers with ag jobs.

IDEA2PRODUCT- Students from Fresno Unified and the Philippines have joined together to create new products at a program aimed at entrepreneurship.

Idea2product helps students create, build, and market ideas.


MAGIC OF STORYTELLING- Dozens of Fresno County students in Fresno County's Migrant Education program experienced the Magic of Storytelling.

5,000 books were donated by ABC30 and its parent company Disney through a partnership with ABC and First Book.

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