District Offers Summer Learning

Tuesday, February 28, 2017

Keeping students on track for graduation, while preparing them for post-secondary education and workplace success, is the driving force behind the Fresno Unified Expanded Learning Summer Program.

Last summer, more than 13,000 students participated in learning opportunities outside of the traditional school calendar that allowed them to recover credits for graduation or to further develop skills gained during the regular school year.

This year, the elementary summer program will focus on fundamental reading skills, helping kindergarten through second grade students stay on track to read at grade level. Students in grades three through five will have opportunities in literacy and language development for English learners, accelerated learning toward GATE (gifted) identification, and enrichment programs that focus on career exploration. Special education programs will be available at all grade levels.

Middle school students needing additional support in mathematics will be able to strengthen those skills while becoming accustomed to a middle school campus. Career readiness-based enrichment programs will also be available, focused on design, robotics and health.

At the high school level, credit recovery options will be offered in all core areas and courses needed for graduation as well as training opportunities to earn job certifications. The high school summer program will be broken into two 11-day sessions of instruction.

In addition, acceleration opportunities for students who wish to take Advanced Placement (AP) courses later in their high school career will be provided. Counselors will work with students to schedule summer coursework.

All courses offered through the Expanded Learning Summer Program are taught by qualified teachers who are committed to providing high-quality academic instruction in a safe, structured environment. Parents will be notified by letter in the spring regarding program placement, and are encouraged to contact their school site for additional information on summer learning opportunities.

Key Dates:

Elementary and Middle School

June 14 - First Day of Classes

July 13 - Last Day of Classes

High School

June 13 - June 27 - Session 1

June 28 - July 13 - Session 2

July 14 - Summer Graduation

Note: July 4 is a holiday