Don't Trash California campaign

Friday, April 22, 2016
Don't Trash California campaign
Caltrans and the Highway Patrol dedicated the majority of their work on Thursday to clearing litter along Valley highways.

FRESNO, Calif. -- Caltrans and the Highway Patrol dedicated the majority of their work on Thursday to clearing litter along Valley highways.

It's part of their annual litter removal and enforcement day. Taxpayers pay millions of dollars each year in cleanup efforts -- money that could be used instead to build new highways or maintain existing ones.

Thursday, officials put out a call to drivers to keep trash where it belongs.

"It's just a reminder, Don't Trash California -- to keep your litter in your car, to carry around a garbage bag so you can dispose of it at a later time instead of throwing it out the window," said Tami Conrado, Chief Public Information Officer for Caltrans.

On Earth Day last year, crews picked up enough trash to fill 164 garbage trucks.

The fine for littering is $1,000.