Hundreds of Duncan Polytechnical students interview for Portfolio Day

ByBy: Rudy Rendon
Friday, March 6, 2020
Hundreds of  Duncan Polytechnical students interview for Portfolio Day
Duncan Polytechnical students interview for Portfolio Day

FRESNO, Calif. -- Hundreds of Duncan Polytechnical High School students showcased their skills at as part of portfolio day on campus.

The high school, which specializes in career technical education, allowed 9th and 10th graders to present what they have achieved so far to real-world interviewers.

Building a digital portfolio, the students were able to provide interviewers with cover letter, certifications and life-term goals in the pathway they chose.

The school's goal is to make sure students are college or career ready when they graduate.

"It's for professional development for them to learn the skills they need as they grow in our school and also prepare for industry life after high school that they are ready for any profession they might take on," said Karen Burrington of Duncan Polytechnical.

The school offers eight pathways in two academy's including medical and industrial.

More than 600 students participated in portfolio day.