Witness testifies about 2022 shooting in Fresno triple murder trial

Prosecutors said they expect to wrap up their case Monday, earlier than expected.
Monday, April 22, 2024
FRESNO, Calif. (KFSN) -- Revealing testimony in court Monday as the witness to a deadly Fresno shooting took the stand in a triple murder trial.

Barbara Nelson says she remembers what happened on October 21, 2022, when Steven Rice was gunned down.

"About how many gunshots did you hear?" prosecutor Kelly Smith asked.

"I heard six," Nelson said. "It was like two, then a pause. Two more, then a pause. And then two more."

Nelson's testimony comes as prosecutors argue Andrew Hammond is a triple murderer.

The 28-year-old is charged in connection with the 2020 and 2022 shooting deaths of Rice and two others: Brandon Munoz and Fernando Gonzalez.

"When the defendant, Andrew Hammond, feels that he's been disrespected, (it) results in the death of not one, not two, but three separate individuals," Smith told the jury last week.

Prosecutors are moving through each shooting one by one.

Last week, photos of this red car riddled with bullets took center stage.

Several witnesses testified about how this rosary or wake turned deadly after a drunken argument.
Now, the jury is learning more about the second shooting.

It happened at a house near Norwich Ave and Sherman Street after Rice and Hammond argued down the road.

Rice left, and Hammond followed.

Prosecutors say he shot Rice, who then started to run, jumped a fence, and landed in a neighbor's yard, where he died.

"I could hear him," Nelson said. "He was moaning."

Prosecutors said they expect to wrap up their case Monday, earlier than expected.

The defense could begin with its evidence next week, arguing that Hammond acted in self-defense.

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