Local community colleges see rise in enrollment numbers amid nationwide drop

Friday, December 16, 2022
FRESNO, Calif. (KFSN) -- It's a concerning trend among community colleges nationwide. Enrollment numbers are still down from the pandemic.

"This is not a Valley phenomenon. This is a nationwide phenomenon," said State Center Community College Chancellor Dr. Carole Goldsmith. "Community colleges saw a decrease of 20 to 25% across the nation. State center was no different."

Enrollment numbers are taking a hit post pandemic for community colleges across the country.

"We saw about a 13% drop," said Dr. Goldsmith.

That's from Fall of 2019 to now. At Fresno City College enrollments dropped 17% in that same time period, but it's a drop that local colleges are taking action to change.

"We've done social media campaigns, we've reached out to students, we've been very aggressive in our marketing to reach students and they know that we're back here," said Fresno City College Vice President of Student Services Dr. Lataria Hall.

The hard work is paying off, Valley schools say enrollment is on the rise.

"We are moving in a positive direction and can confidently say we're in an enrollment recovery phase," said Dr. Hall.

Enrollment for Spring of 2023 is up 9% across the district and Fresno City College, compared to Spring of 2022. Reedley College is up 25%.

"We're seeing more activity on campus. We're seeing more students on campus. We're seeing students more comfortable on campus and wanting to be here," said Dr. Hall.

Colleges say this is just the start. Extreme registration opens beginning of January. For details on how to register visit their website.
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