
Cat House on the Kings looking for community help after abandoned pets dumped near property

Sunday, February 12, 2017
FRESNO, Caif. (KFSN) -- An illegal animal dump has a Fresno County rescue group looking for help.

The sounds of kitty contentment echo through the open spaces of the 12-acre Cat House on the Kings, just outside Parlier. Even inside the quarantine rooms, you'll find cats ready for love even though their arrival was marked with a lack of love.
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Those cats were dumped right on the outside of the rescue, although it looked like whoever did it was trying to take care of them and knew exactly how to avoid detection. The cats came in 14 bins.

"Each one has holes so they can breathe," said Beth Caffrey with The Cat House on the Kings.

And each bin had a blanket and a cat.

"So, they did spend money to do this and they must have planned it out," Caffrey said.

The dumping site was just out of range for surveillance cameras and it happened during the one hour nobody was on site.

The cats seem mostly healthy, but a lot of them are polydactyls, meaning they have an extra little finger -- a hint that they may be genetically tied.
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"We are glad they are safe and sound but this could've been avoided had they gotten the cats spayed or neutered in the first place, especially if they're all related and this is a perpetuation of family," Caffrey said.

One of the bins had a mom and her two babies, and three of the other cats are pregnant. That makes this an expensive dump for the charity.

Between spaying or neutering them all, giving them vaccines, and taking care of them for a few weeks, each cat will rack up a bill of at least $150 before they can find permanent new homes -- which probably won't be possible for several weeks.

In the meantime, Cat House volunteers will be licking their financial wounds and hoping people will dump fresh donations on them at a time when they're usually slow.

If you'd like to help out, follow this link: http://www.cathouseonthekings.com/contribute.php
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