For the second year in a row, the church transformed its grounds into the ancient streets of Bethlehem.
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Bringing out hundreds of people and some animals to celebrate the birth of Jesus.
Even it requires doing a somersault.
This live, interactive nativity scene featured a manger, wise men, and roman soldiers...
Played by people like Thomas Hardin.
He says the experience is rewarding for both the community and the characters.
"Last year I remember there was people that came out and they stood around the manger... We could see the whole emotional from the manager and they brought a whole lot from us," Hardin said.
Jeffrey Jimenez caught wind of the event over social media.
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A production he tells us put his heart and mind in the right place.
"It feels like almost a weight was lifted off you like a breath of fresh air during this time we have so many bad things going on to come see something that is nice remind us what it is all about," Jimenez said.
That is just what Sarah Hardin, who coordinated the event, imagined would happen for those who visited.
"Want to just take a minute and stop regroup and refocus on what is important and just worship Jesus and the fact that he came for us and make that a priority," Hardin said.
Whether the animals were tied up or running free, Pastor Bill Helmstetter hopes the families received the message about what they believe Christmas is all about.
"The birth of Jesus he is the reason for the season," he said.