Feeling itchy? Stealthy mosquito biting people in the Central Valley

Wednesday, September 5, 2018
FRESNO, Calif. (KFSN) -- The small, striped Aedes aegypti mosquito has established itself in all areas of the Valley, and many of you have mosquito bites to prove it.

Sanger has become the latest battleground in the fight against a mosquito which can carry diseases such as Zika and Dengue Fever.

Everyone had a mosquito story to tell inside Emilio's Barbershop. Luis Delgadillo explained, "Daytime, nighttime, anytime. Especially in the ankles man, especially ankles for sure."

Sound familiar? It could be the same mosquito biting you over and over again.

Steve Mulligan of the Consolidated Mosquito Abatement District said, "She doesn't take a full blood meal at once so she'll bite, get a little blood, buzz off, fly around. Maybe bite your other leg."

Debug Fresno has been releasing male mosquitoes in Sanger neighborhoods as well as southeast Fresno and three areas of Clovis. The latest being south of Community Hospital.

The sterile male keeps females from reproducing. Staffers have been keeping track of the mosquitoes which have been trapped in the neighborhoods.

Delgadillo said, "Well whatever it is, they need to get rid of it already because I'm getting bit up bad."

You can help protect your family by keeping mosquitoes out of yard drains which serve as breeding grounds.

This Facebook video explains how:

Mulligan also suggested you wear bug repellent if you're spending time outdoors.

Aedes aegypti mosquitoes like to follow people into their house and even cars, making it a very stealthy mosquito.

More people have complained about it this year, but the district doesn't have enough male mosquitoes to expand the Debug Fresno release program into larger areas.
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