
20-year Visalia fire engineer arrested on child pornography charges

Detectives say there is currently no evidence any crimes were committed by Ruiz during working hours at the fire department.
Thursday, May 9, 2024
VISALIA, Calif. (KFSN) -- A 20-year veteran of the Visalia Fire Department is out of jail after being arrested on child pornography charges.

Police served an arrest warrant on Wednesday for 47-year-old Ignacio Ruiz.
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"Anytime you hear of somebody who's involved in this disgusting, despicable behavior, It just makes you want to vomit, basically. And to hear that somebody who's a first responder in public safety is involved in something that we're supposed to be fighting against. We're supposed to protect kids. It's just deeply disturbing," said Tony Botti with the Fresno County Sheriff's Office.

Botti says the Central California Internet Crimes Against Children task force, also known as ICAC, assisted Visalia Police in investigating Ruiz.

Ruiz was arrested on Wednesday, after several search warrants helped authorities identify him.

"This is not what we signed up for. We sign up to protect kids, not to take advantage of them, not to be voyeurs and look at disgusting behavior. The public expects more out of us, and we should be held to a different standard, and when somebody's not upholding that they need to be held responsible," Botti explained.

Ruiz is a 20-year veteran with the Visalia Fire Department.

As of Thursday, he is out of jail, and has been put on administrative leave.

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This arrest is the result of a cyber tip from the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children.

The non-profit received 110,000 tips in California last year, and over 36 million tips nationwide last year alone.

"This has increased over 20% over the last three years. It's very critical that everyone in the public knows these types of numbers that we're looking at and the increase in these types of crimes that we're seeing," said Kathryn Rifenbark, the Director of Cyber TipLine National.

Botti says those who view, share, or create child sex abuse material are more likely to get caught these days because of improved technology and expanded partnerships.

"So, the simple message is, stop this sick, disturbing behavior. Not only are kids being exposed and endangered, but you're gonna get in trouble because it's illegal." said Botti.

Authorities say at this point, it does not appear any of the crimes occurred while the firefighter was on duty.

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They are still examining digital evidence, even after his arrest.

Visalia Fire Chief Dan Griswold did release a statement saying that public trust in the department is essential and promising a thorough investigation.

"This isolated incident is not a reflection of who we are as an agency and does not reflect the values of the Visalia Fire Department or its members," Griswold wrote.

Action News tried calling Ruiz on Thursday to see if he has any comment on his arrest, but was not able to reach him.

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