The series, based on Carola Lovering's novel of the same name, follows the college relationship between Lucy, played by Grace Van Patten and Stephen, played by Jackson White. It's toxic, it's dramatic, it's suspenseful and fans couldn't get enough. The show goes from their time in college to present day when the two are both guests at a mutual friend's engagement party.
Season one ended with Lucy and Stephen's dramatic breakup. Lucy wrote an anonymous letter to their college, asking them to investigate her roommate Macy's death by car accident. As it turns out, an impaired Stephen was driving the car with Macy in the passenger seat when their friend Drew nearly hit them and caused them to crash into a tree. Stephen manipulated the situation to make it seem like Lucy had been driving and Drew hit them and ran.
At the very end of the season finale, we saw Lucy in present day as Stephen shows up engaged to Lucy's high school best friend.
In season two, Stephen, Lucy and their friend group return to college and things are just as tense as they ever were. According to the official synopsis, "While very much at odds, they find themselves in a new version of their addictive dynamic - which is as infuriating as it is inescapable. Meanwhile, the story expands deeper into the lives of Lucy and Stephen's friend group, as the fallout from Season One impacts all of their lives in unexpected ways."
Hulu released first look photos from the season, including one of Lucy and Stephen as well as one of Lucy with a possible new love interest. We also see a snap of Stephen with his former, and possibly rekindled, love Diana. And we see a new professor, played by Tom Ellis. How will he fit into the mix? We'll find out September 4 when season two premieres.
Catch up on season one of "Tell Me Lies" now on Hulu.
The Walt Disney Company is the parent company of Hulu and this ABC station.