
New California laws aimed at cracking down on sideshows, illegal street racing

A package of bills going into effect on Wednesday will help make roadways safer across California.
Wednesday, January 1, 2025
FRESNO, Calif. (KFSN) -- Stopping sideshows and illegal street racing is the goal of four new California laws starting in 2025.

"With the new state law being signed by Governor Newsom, is also going to allow us to arrest the bystanders, that are influencing the street racers, so people standing there watching it, could also get arrested for misdemeanor charges," said Clovis Police Cpl. Mark Bradford.

Clovis police say it will also allow them to target people who are driving recklessly on highways and parking lots.

"Most of the people that are there, are there to promote this and watch it because its fun and they think its cool but, we don't. Its dangerous and plus it damages our city streets by blackening up the roadways," said Cpl. Bradford.

Black skid marks are also a common sight across the city of Fresno.

"So far this year, we've impounded over 400 vehicles, participating in reckless driving and/or illegal street racing activities," said Fresno Police Sgt. Todd Turney.

Another law will expand vehicle impoundment, add more citations, including the potential loss of your vehicle.

Sgt. Todd Turney says they have already started to crackdown on the crime because they've seen the dangerous impact it can have.

"When you have high rates of speeds or vehicles losing control, it definitely can be a very fatal impact," said Sgt. Turney.

In December 2020, street racing in Fresno claimed the life of 17-year-old Allison Chang and her cousins, Linda and Christopher Vang.

Officers say an 18-year-old ran a red light while racing and slammed into their truck at Bullard and Palm.

Sgt. Turney adding whether it's on scene or through social media, they will do everything they can to pull your foot off the gas, and hold you accountable.

"We are going to continue to use the new laws to try and impact and make the roadways safer," said Sgt. Turney.

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