Video shows thief snatching pit bull from home in Southern California

The video from a neighbor's home shows a man reaching over a fence and snatching a 3-month-old pit bull named Hercules.
Sunday, April 17, 2022
SUN VALLEY, LOS ANGELES -- Surveillance video captured a thief snatching a puppy from a home in Southern California last week, leaving the dog's owner fearing for her pet's safety.

It happened at around 6 p.m. on Tuesday, April 12, at the corner of corner of Peoria Street and Amboy Avenue in Sun Valley.

The surveillance video from a neighbor's home shows a man reaching over a fence and snatching a 3-month-old pit bull named Hercules.

The puppy's owner said a silver Pontiac Grand Prix slowed down in front her house when the man apparently got out, reached over her gate, scooped Hercules, and took off.

On Sunday afternoon, the dog's owner told Eyewitness News a resident found Hercules and has since been returned.

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