Storm damaged some Valley crops but farmers are optimistic

Monday, March 26, 2018
FRESNO COUNTY, Calif. (KFSN) -- As the land dries out, farmers are now surveying the changes to their land after last weeks' heavy rain. Most feel that the positive aspects of the storm far out-weighed the bad.

Fresno County Deputy Ag Commissioner Fred Rinder says things are returning to normal after the rain halted farmwork last week.
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"We've got the lettuce harvest going on right now. They were down for one day and then they're right back at it. this won't slow them down too much."

Lettuce is being harvested right now in the Huron area in Western Fresno County.

The beginning of the strawberry season is still a few weeks away, so the rains didn't cause too much of a problem.

Almonds are now forming but a freeze during bloom a few weeks ago is expected to reduce crop size. But, Rinder says growers won't be able to fully assess damage until next month.
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"We're going to do a blast email out to almond growers in Fresno county, asking them if they've got any idea of percent of damage to their crop."

Rinder says a natural disaster could be declared if damage is reported to 30% of the crop.

It's too early to tell how big of a hit the almond industry will take. Growers we've talked to have said it will range from 5% to 30%.
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