How to keep children safe during Central California heat wave

Friday, June 18, 2021
FRESNO, Calif. (KFSN) -- Kids can't get enough of the local splash parks like the one at the Mosqueda Center.

It's a great way to cool off without wearing themselves out.

Health experts say many children aren't in very good shape because they've spent so much time sitting at home for their online classes.

"Because we've been in such a lockdown, kids don't have their endurance," says Dr. Mitul Patel with Kaiser Permanente. "It's low, so they might not be as hydrated. They might not be as active as usual so when they get outside, they might over-exert themselves, so they're at an increased risk for dehydration."

Dr. Patel recommends teens, even adults, drink 8-10 cups of water every day.

RELATED: Tips for staying safe during a heat wave as the temperature rises

But those who are very active with sports and other activities should drink 80 ounces of water daily.

The hot sun can be relentless and dehydration can set in quickly.

Dr. Patel says you can take action if your kids seem lethargic after playing outside.
"If they're not their normal active self, they're kind of moping, sitting on the couch, laying down a lot, that means they're kind of at the point where they need fluids," he said. "I'd start pushing water. Lots of water, Gatorade, Pedialyte, ice chips, even if they're not feeling well."

He adds kids need to hydrate even if they're going to be swimming in the pool because the strenuous activity burns a lot of energy and calories.

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It's important children stay active but they need to gradually work their way back into shape.

Don't forget the sun block.

Dr. Patel doesn't think it is reasonable to go out in 100-degree weather, especially with little ones.

He recommends early morning activity and evening walks.
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