Local organizations raises thousands for Ukrainian relief efforts

Thursday, March 10, 2022
FRESNO, Calif. (KFSN) -- While the refugee crisis in Ukraine is growing, local families are taking action to raise money for people impacted by the war to help refugee relief efforts.

In just 24 hours, local organization Friends of Ukraine raised more than $10,000, supporting relief efforts in Ukraine and surrounding countries.

The UN reported more than 2 million refugees have fled their homes in Ukraine.

On Thursday, Friends United for Ukraine hosted a rally at the Clovis Memorial Building Park in support of the women and children suffering in Ukraine.

Anastasiia Armey was onsite holding her baby girl in one hand and a Blue and yellow poster. She said while her mother, sister, niece, and nephew are safe and secure in Poland, the rest of her family is in Ukraine fighting for freedom.

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"It has been very hard on them and for us to watch that and be hopeless, you can't really physically do anything at the moment," she said.

For some, the efforts are close to their heart because the crisis hits close to home.

Paula Yang is a Vietnam refugee survivor and a Hmong community advocate. She said, "Putin, if you're watching today, I'm a woman and I have children and grandchildren. Please stop this war for the sake of children," Yang said.

Local advocates like Yang are donating to families like Armey's family.

"This is pretty amazing to see the support and the communities unite and show one union right now," Armey said.

Joyce Eden represents the local nonprofit Medical Ministries International.

Because of the urgency, she encourages people to donate to reputable organizations that fit your values.

Ten Talents is the local foundation she's using to send donations.

There are also international organizations like Samaritan's Purse or Convoy of Hope, who are already on the ground in Ukraine.

"Going with the larger groups right now, we know that they can get the funding into the country," Eden said.

She says she believes by doing things together, you can do more.

RELATED: How to help Ukraine amid Russian attacks

"By uniting, by appreciating the differences that people bring to the table that brings to life. By actually maximizing the differences, we can do more and we can knock out evil with love," Eden said.

You can donate to local relief efforts to help Ukraine, like Ten Talents or even Armey's organization Stop the War in Europe.
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