New company launches to incubate Central Valley businesses

Wednesday, June 6, 2018
New company launches to incubate businesses
The Central Valley is home to thousands of businesses and now one organization wants to showcase entrepreneurs on a bigger platform.

FRESNO, Calif. (KFSN) -- The Central Valley is home to thousands of businesses and now one organization wants to showcase entrepreneurs on a bigger platform.

"Fresno is a great place, not only are we a great place to raise a family, but we're a great place to start a business and there's profit to be made here, " said Jennifer Lopez with Valley Innovators.

Lopez sees a major discrepancy in the way venture capitalist are investing in businesses.

"About 60-percent of VC (venture capitalist) funding goes to California companies, less than one-percent of that comes to the Valley," Lopez said.

A lot of that has to do with marketing or perception. So Lopez and others funded Valley Innovators-- a company that helps the business learn, network and market themselves and eventually attract big investors.

Valley Innovators hopes to serve businesses ranging from taco trucks to technology. They said the Valley is becoming home to a diverse amount of companies and owners.

"It means having more success stories come out of their organization, it means possibly having to expand their organization and contributing to the marketing of Fresno and the Valley as a whole, as a great place for innovation. A place for talent and a place for making things happen," Lopez said.

The passion runs deep for this Valley native and former Bay Area resident.

"There's talent here, there are people that are ambitious and want to give back and flex their entrepreneurial muscles," Lopez said.

Valley innovators launches Tuesday night at the Tower Theater. Over the next few months, they'll host educational opportunities and networking for businesses and one day a pitch contest in the spring. They believe the next great idea could be incubated in the Valley.

For more information click here.

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