Woman dies in fatal crash involving a tour bus in Dos Palos

"We had to wait till fire got on scene to lift the bus up and she was pronounced dead at the scene," said Cliff Battles of Dos Palos police.

Wednesday, March 4, 2015
Woman dies in fatal crash involving a tour bus in Dos Palos
40-year-old Cindy Alias

FRESNO, Calif. (KFSN) -- Dos Palos police are revealing new information about a fatal crash involving a tour bus which claimed the life of a pedestrian.

Investigators say 40-year-old Cindy Alias from Dos Palos was crossing the intersection of Elgin and Blossom when she was hit and pinned underneath the bus.

"We had to wait till fire got on scene to lift the bus up and she was pronounced dead at the scene," said Cliff Battles of Dos Palos police.

Officers say it is not clear whether Alias was in the crosswalk. They told us the tour bus driver who works for Best Tours and Travel has been cooperative. Detectives say he was taking about 30 visitors to Table Mountain Casino.

"From what he said he made the turn but did not see her," said Battles.

Action News was not able to reach anyone at the bus company for a comment.

Witness Rochelle Elgin described the frantic scene moments after the impact. "I did see the driver go back into the bus and he looked a little upset, like oh my gosh," said Elgin.

Investigators do not believe the bus driver was speeding and they say the passengers on board were not hurt. The driver has been cooperative with investigators. The case will be referred to the District Attorney who will decide whether to file charges -- however the driver is not in custody at this time.

Police said Alias was in the crosswalk and had the right of way.

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