Fresno Unified Citizens Bond Oversight Committee Provides Accountability

The Fresno Unified Citizens Bond Oversight Committee is all about accountability.

Thursday, September 29, 2016

The committee, which is appointed by the Fresno Unified Board of Education, meets quarterly. It oversees bond measure expenditures for the construction, repair, and modernization of schools. The committee reviews quarterly reports from the district's independent auditor regarding bond expenditures, and communicates its findings annually to the Board of Education and public to ensure school bond funds are invested as the voters intended.

Over the last decade, every audit report has been "clean." The auditors consistently report that bond dollars have been used only for bond projects, and every dollar has been properly accounted for.

Who is on the committee?

The Oversight Committee is made up of 15 members. Each board member appoints two members and the superintendent appoints the committee chair.

What are the minimum requirements?

Fresno Unified requires potential members be at least 18 years old, a resident in the geographic boundaries of the district, not be an employee or official of the district, and not be a vendor, contractor, or consultant of the district.

How long is the term?

Each member of the committee serves for a two-year term and for no more than three consecutive terms.

Are committee members compensated?


Fresno Unified Citizens Bond Oversight Committee Members:

William Clark, Michael Lopez, Jose Mejia, Al Meyer, Jamee Moltini, Guillermo Moreno, Bruce O'Neal, Dominic Papagni, Patricia Pointer, Michel Rodriguez, Barbara Steck (chair), and Chuck Rojas, Dennis Zeuner.