How to shed the post pregnancy pounds

Wednesday, February 3, 2016
Get your body on track after pregnancy
Exercising after pregnancy can be tricky.

Exercising after pregnancy can be tricky. Make sure you always check with your doctor before starting an exercise program. Exercising should make you feel good afterwards not worse, so do not overdo it. Doctors recommend not bouncing or running because your joints are still loose from a hormone the body generates during pregnancy. Walking is a great way to get back on track and I would like to show you a few exercises you can do to strengthen your core after your pregnancy.

Wall ball crunches are an effective way to tighten up the stomach area. Place the ball against a stable wall and put the ball in the middle of your lower back. Stand with your leg wider than shoulder width; cross your arms, place your hands on your shoulders, and keep your chin high. Lean forward, tilting your pelvic and pressing your lower back into the ball nice and slow breathing in and out; repeat. Always take it at your own pace.

Now we are going to do Side Ball Crunches with the same form as the Wall Ball Crunches but you are going to take it side to side.

The last exercise is a modified crunch. Protecting your neck, coming up and hold it for 20 seconds; breathing, press your lower back into the mat. Take it nice and slow as your are abdominal muscles are learning how to engage again.

How to shed the post pregnancy pounds.