After Fresno's Police Chief receives body scan he is recommending officers get on as well

Friday, November 25, 2016
After Fresno's Police Chief receives body scan he is recommending officers get on as well
At 57-years-old Fresno Police Chief Jerry Dyer may appear to be a very fit man. But Dyer found out last week, he is not quite as healthy on the inside.

FRESNO, Calif. (KFSN) -- At 57-years-old Fresno Police Chief Jerry Dyer may appear to be a very fit man. So in shape, he donned his muscles to the entire Central Valley during the ice bucket challenge.

But Dyer found out last week, he is not quite as healthy on the inside.

"They don't see the fat that's on the inside. That's intrabdominal fat that perhaps we have."

For decades, Dyer has maintained a hardcore fitness program. But after talking with a doctor who reviewed his scan he is altering much of his daily routine.

"Shoulders, legs, pulldowns, shoulders, legs, abs and then back on the cardio."

Dyer has always been into heavy lifting. Only now he is focusing on cardio and flexibility much more.

"Get the heart rate up and then keep it up for the entire workout."

A recent look inside Dyer's body allowed the Chief to see firsthand what's going on. He has some small plaque buildup in his carotid artery and anterior arteries of the heart. He also has damage from some of his more obvious aches and pains.

"To see the disks that are protruding. To be able to see that the fact that the back is fusing together on its own. To know that running is an absolute last resort for me because of the pounding it causes to the lower back."

Some of Dyer's old habits are common among many police officers-- like scarfing down a meal in between calls. That causes acid overload and over time becomes hazardous to your health.

"It's the large meals where you consume it in a small amount of time that causes the problems for the stomach."

The first thing Dyer changed is what he is eating.

"I have a tendency to eat a lot of different foods and I need to do a better job of making sure the foods that I'm eating are more healthy. A lot more vegetables, a lot more fish."

Dyer's back is weak-- in part from his gun belt. His shoulders aren't any better. And all the things he did as an eager SWAT officer showed up in his results too.

"Jumping off of buildings, doing all the things that when you are young will not come back to haunt you-- but they do."

The Chief's findings and healthy changes are something he wants to share with every Fresno police officer.

The scan costs $1,140 a piece and that's a discounted rate for law enforcement. To promote good health and wellness, Dyer is hoping to work out a deal with city officials to provide the scan to officers at no cost.

"So that they can make changes in their lifestyle. Whether that's physical activity or nutrition or stress management. And that's what I plan to do."

For now, Dyer said he will be a good example with his reward being a long life free of nagging health woes.