Entertainment district proposal could bring big businesses to Tulare

Kassandra Gutierrez Image
Saturday, March 22, 2025 1:13AM
Entertainment district proposal could bring big businesses to Tulare
Officials say Tulare is in a prime location for an entertainment district.

TULARE, Calif. (KFSN) -- Great Wolf Lodge Water Park & Resort which draws visitors to Manteca is just one of the well-known names providing inspiration for a possible entertainment district in Tulare.

"We hired a consultant to do a study to compare us to some of the cities that have entertainment districts, and entertainment are usually destination locations where they might have large retailers like Bass Pro shops or hotels like Great Wolf Lodge or entertainment like top golf, and they exist all around the country," explains City Manager, Marc Mondell.

Council members reviewed the initial study during a council strategic planning session Friday morning.

Officials say Tulare is in a prime location for this type of project because of easy access to Highway 99 which includes a six-lane expansion project by Caltrans.

And there's plenty of space to build near the Cartmill Interchange - or the new International Agri-Center Way Interchange.

"I think being in the center of the state and not having other users to compete with so we are kind of a unique market, I think that will be attractive," mentions Mondell.

The study found the 125-acre development proposal could bring thousands of jobs and over two million dollars in revenue a year... helping keep dollars local..

"When you see that dollar that circulates five times you keep someone employed at one business that employee is going to spend their money at another business and then that employee is gonna spend it out of business so it really is that circular impact of revenue that comes into the community," says Donnette Silva Carter, President and CEO of the Tulare Chamber of Commerce.

That also means more potential foot traffic for all local businesses.

Like Galaxy Theaters at the Tulare Outlets.

The general manager hopes it could lead to doubled revenue, increased employment, and long-term success for the community.

"I think we will be able to have a strong economy within the city of Tulare for the next decade to come," expresses the General Manager at Galaxy Theaters, Freddie Gonzalez.

He continues, "That's very meaningful as a parent building a foundation here for a community and forecasting for the next generation and or kids to be able to keep the roots here within our community."

The city says one key component of the proposal is an indoor sports recreation facility that could attract large tournaments to the city.

Local leaders will continue exploring these options and hope to gain even more interest from major businesses.

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