MERCED, Calif. (KFSN) -- Two Valley ag centers teamed up to clean the streets of Merced and Tulare on Friday.
Next Thursday is "Earth Day" and as part of an early celebration, members of the two Ag Centers said they wanted to give back to their communities while working to preserve and care for the valuable ag-land in Central California.
"I drive down this street on a daily basis, and I just notice that there's always couches and different trash that people have dumped, so we kind of wanted to do something good for our community and come out here and clean that up," says Cassandra Fasi.
Ag center employees in Merced spent part of their day picking up trash along Mission Street, while teams in Tulare worked to clean up parts of K Street.
The Ag Center's goal is to provide Central California farmers advice and support to help face the daily challenges of managing a farm.