Valley Spotlight: Kaweah Health Sleep Center

Valley Spotlight: Sleep Center
The Kaweah Health Sleep Center can help you get back to a good night's sleep.

For more than 25 years, the Kaweah Health Sleep Disorders Center has helped hundreds of people get back to a good night's sleep.

The body needs ample rest. When you are unable to sleep, you are at a higher risk of developing problems like high blood pressure, strokes, depression, and chronic pain. There are a number of possible causes for sleep disorders, the most common of which is sleep apnea. Sleep apnea is a condition in which the patient's breathing is obstructed or temporarily stops while sleeping. This can result in restless sleep that wakes the individual several times throughout the night.

Kaweah Health's Sleep Disorders Center is 4,900 square feet - double the square footage of its previous location - and includes three additional exam rooms, two neuro testing rooms, improved parking and ease of access. The new exam rooms will also provide patients with flat-screen televisions in exam rooms along with coffee service.

For more information visit: KaweahHealth.org/SleepCenter