NEW YORK -- The beginning of "The Men Tell All" started off with a "Bachelor" first! Ashley and JP were back and Ashley is very pregnant!
They had a "Live" ultrasound to learn the sex of their baby right on stage! JP said the gender doesn't matter as long as the baby is healthy. They saw the heartbeat, the baby's little ear, thumb, and then the big announcement, it's a BOY! Ashley seemed in shock!
JP had tears in his eyes! Ashley said that she knew from the beginning that it was a boy. On a side note, they also announced they are going to be moving from Princeton, NJ to Miami, FL. I guess it's going to be a beach baby boy!
Then, there was a preview of "Bachelor in Paradise" and it looks like there's going to be a lot of crying and drama. Some of the cast members, including Chris Bukowski who tried to join this season of "The Bachelorette" only to be denied, were in the audience. Some of them will find love, and the ones who don't apparently are forced to leave paradise.
Next, Chris Harrison got Andi to answer the ridiculous question of if she is pregnant or not. Um, no she did not get pregnant on an overnight fantasy date or by her mystery man. We'll leave the baby-making to JP and Ashley for now.
Finally, it was time to bring the guys out from Andi's season. They all oddly wore scarves out and Chris Harrison told them to take them off. It was strange. Then, they all talked about what it was like to be on the show and how they didn't always get along. They got into the whole race issue between JJ, Andrew, and Marquel. Poor Marquel was more or less caught in the middle of the dumb comment that was made during the show. Farmer Chris told everyone to get a grip basically and Marquel told Andrew that he was confronting him as a man and that he thought he was selfish even though he may or may not have said that. I'm glad that Marquel tried to just leave the issue alone because he didn't know what was said because he wasn't there when it happened.
Once back from the commercial break JJ said he didn't get to defend himself about telling Marquel what went on with Andrew. He apologized to the guys, but then said he didn't care, and Brian (the basketball coach) said that the apology would have been better if JJ didn't say that he didn't care what the other guys thought. So true.
Marquel (who has an amazing smile) was the first guy called down to the hot seat. Chris Harrison asked him if he took some responsibility for getting stuck in the friend zone and wanted to know why he didn't kiss Andi. Marquel said that he didn't think that Andi wanted to kiss him so he never went in for the kiss. Aww. He said he didn't realize the other guys were kissing Andi so quickly! They talked about how he's going to be on "Bachelor in Paradise" and then he handed out black and white cookies to the crowd, because after all, he is the cookie man.
Next into the hot seat was hot Marcus. He was very emotional watching the footage of his time with Andy and they talked about how he'll be on "Bachelor in Paradise". Rumor is he makes a love connection! I guess we'll have to watch and see.
Farmer Chris was on stage next in the hot seat and relived his breakup. A girl interrupted the interview between Chris and Chris and she sat down on the couch and ended up asking him out on a date! She was extremely pretty and Chris Harrison asked him if he would go on a speed date with her! So during the commercial they chatted! It ended with Chris picking up some digits, so we'll see what happens there.
Andi, at long last, sat in the hot seat. Chris asked her right away what changed with him. She said she had the most fun there, but she just couldn't see herself in Iowa and she didn't see the foundation to "get" to Iowa. She wasn't ready for the fantasy suite with Chris basically. Marquel wanted to know if she was too shy to kiss him or if she just didn't want to, and she didn't really answer that.
Andi announced that despite the tabloid rumors, she is NOT pregnant. How ridiculous! Chris Harrison busted out the lie detector results that she had ripped up in Italy. Chris had a copy! The three men who told no lies were Bryan, JJ, and Chris. Marcus, Dylan, and Josh told lies! Marcus lied by saying that he slept with fewer than 20 women. Dylan lied when he said he preferred brunettes. He also lied when he said he was ready for marriage. Josh, who isn't there, lied twice. Andi didn't want to know what the lies were.
After the blooper reel, they recapped Andi's time with her final two guys, Josh and Nick. So who will she pick in the end? We'll have to wait and see next week! There's a live finale! Two weeks from now "Bachelor in Paradise" premieres and you know that we'll all be watching that as well!