The U.S. Census is still underway, even with some delays due to the Coronavirus.

Friday, March 20, 2020
The U.S. Census is still underway, even with some delays due to the Coronavirus.
The U.S. Census is still underway, even with some delays due to the Coronavirus.

FRESNO, Calif. (KFSN) -- The 2020 U.S. Census is being impacted by COVID-19.

"Due to the Coronavirus, the 2020 census field operations will be delayed by about two weeks. That is in precaution for census takers and the American public," said Marna Davis, U.S. Census spokesperson.

Locally, the Fresno Economic Opportunities Commission has also suspended its public events to promote the census.

"Staff are literally calling people up on the phone the old traditional way to let them know we need to have them count and they can do their census on the phone through mail or online," said Emilia Reyes, EOC CEO.

Reyes says it's important to determine how much public funding they get and pay for vital services they need for low-income families.

Census spokesperson Marna Davis says COVID-19 is also impacting college students.

"If they have a student who has moved back home due to the coronavirus, who lives in university housing, that student is to be counted at their university," Davis said.

Reminders have been mailed out and people can fill out the census online. It asks about nine questions, detailing names, birth dates, race and genders.

With field operations suspended until April 1, officials say its employees are not going door to door now.

"If you do not respond to the 2020 census, months down the road, a census taker will come to your house to enumerate you and everyone living there at your doorstep. They will have a census identification badge with their picture and a watermark and they'll have a census bag and identification," Davis said.

So far more than 11 million Americans households have responded and have been counted.

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