Coloring books for children about the COVID-19 pandemic and social justice.

Friday, August 7, 2020
Teens find creative way to teach kids about COVID
High school students launched Be the Change Coloring Co., selling coloring books to teach children about issues like the COVID-19 pandemic and social justice while donating proceeds to charities.

LOS ANGELES -- Four high school students have found a creative way to teach children about the coronavirus pandemic.

Lauryn Hong, Ella Matlock, Sofia Migliazza and Erin Rogers introduced Be the Change Coloring Co. in June after launching a business plan in an economics class at the end of their freshman year at Long Beach Polytechnic High School in California.

"We knew that with the coronavirus, some kids would not understand what was really going on," said Ella Matlock, 15. "We thought we would take the liberty in trying to explain it to them with kid-friendly language and coloring."

Characters like Al E. Gator and Sam the Snail remind readers to wash their hands, be extra careful around grandparents and wear a mask.

The teens' second book, Stand Up for Your-shell-ves, focuses on discrimination and social justice. It's available for pre-order on the Be the Change Coloring Co. website.

To date, the girls said they have sold more than 1,000 books. That students said that proceeds from book sales go directly to charity.

"For each book, we're having a different organization focus," said Erin Rogers. "Some of the organizations are Black Lives Matter, CDC and other local hospitals and funds for Long Beach."

For more information click HERE.