Celebrating Hanukkah in the Central Valley

Elisa Navarro Image
Wednesday, December 25, 2024
Celebrating Hanukkah in Fresno
December 25 is not only Christmas Day but also the start of Hanukkah this year.

FRESNO, Calif. (KFSN) -- December 25 is not only Christmas Day but also the start of Hanukkah this year.

Jewish people around the world will be celebrating the festival of lights.

Local Rabbi Levy Zirkind and his wife, Chanie, from the Chabad of the Central Valley, say they look forward to Hanukah and the message it carries.

"We like to light up the candles at sunset to brighten up the world, and it's more than to brighten up the world; the message is to brighten up the darkness," said Rabbi Zirkind.

Hanukkah celebrates the Maccabees' victory over the Syrians and the re-dedication of the second temple of Jerusalem around 165 B.C.

For eight days, one candle on the menorah is lit every evening to commemorate the miracle of the oil in the temple.

It is said there was only enough oil to last one day, but it lasted eight.

At the Chabad of the Central Valley, their menorah is ready.

"Over here, we have our menorah, olive oil, and oil from Israel that we can use," said Chanie Zirkind.

Their menorah outside is ready, too, sending a meaningful message to anyone who drives by and sees it.

"Happy Hanukah! Let us all live in peace and harmony and keep enlightening and brightening each other's lives," said Chanie Zirkind.

One man stopped by the center in Northeast Fresno this afternoon to pick up a menorah.

He says this will be the first time he partakes in Hanukah, honoring his mother's Jewish background.

"For the last few years, I have been looking into this, but I finally contacted the Chabad and came down because I wanted to get started," said John Madelon.

A commemoration and tradition Rabbi Levy says anyone should have the freedom to experience.

"Thank God we live in America, a peaceful country where everyone is allowed to practice their religion," said Rabbi Zirkind.

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