Local Reaction to Palin-Biden Debate

Fresno, CA The debate caught the attention of some visitors to the Big Fresno Fair. Christina Davis was among those watching on a monitor at the ABC 30 Event Center. She said," It's actually really interesting. They are talking about a lot of issues."

The Wars in Iraq and Afghanistan and the economy dominated the debate. But many were just watching to see how Sarah Palin performed. Delfina Chavez was impressed by Palin's performance. "Sarah Palin is very polished; she is very, very polished." She said.

Both the local Obama-Biden and McCain-Palin campaigns held debate watching parties. It's no surprise Palin supporters who gathered at the Piazza De Fiora in Northeast Fresno thought she did a great job.

Fresno resident Cindi Primavera put it this way:" From what I've seen tonight she's coming across very strong she knows what she's talking about. She's really presenting McCain in a great light."

What's surprising is that Obama-Biden supporters were also willing to give Palin's performance some credit. They gathered at the Smokehouse Restaurant downtown. Fresno attorney Patience Milrod said," If you were just watching and listening and not hearing what she was saying I thought she did quite credibly. She didn't stumble she didn't ask for a lifeline figuratively. She didn't have to say, I'll get back to ya, I thought she did quite well all things considered."

But Obama campaign volunteer Gary Shuster felt Palin distorted the truth and ducked the issues with what he thought looked like a heavily rehearsed performance. "She came out better able to deliver a script than expected." Shuster said. "She prefaced it a couple of minutes in, with well, I'm not gonna necessarily answer the questions that you ask."

Palin did ignore some questions and pressed ahead on other topics she wanted to address.

But that was not a problem for the Palin fans in Northeast Fresno, like Mike Espinosa. He said, "I like her for everything most people are making fun of. Because of the fact, she's a real person."

But did the debate change anybody's mind?

Kaaren Slen was among the Downtown crowd. She says," I think they both did great. Sarah Palin did better than expected but I haven't changed my very negative opinion about her."

Undecided voters like Christine Davis, says her mind is far from made up. She said, "It's one of the elections where I've been really torn on who I'm going to vote for. It's just basically who's more likable."


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