Presidential Campaign Latest

11/1/2008 Our exclusive Action News poll, conducted by Survey USA over the last three days, shows the democrat leading John McCain 60 percent to 36 percent.

The campaigns are focused outside of California on states where the race is close.

In the sprint to the finish line, the candidates are hunting for votes in states President Bush won in 2004. McCain is trying to keep them republican; Obama is trying to flip them. "We are going to have to work like our future depends on it in these last three days because it does," says Sen. Obama.

Barack Obama has 2 adversaries: supporters not casting ballots because they trust his lead in the polls will turn into victory and of course, rival John McCain. "The choice in this election isn't between tax cuts and no tax cuts. It's about whether you believe we should only reward wealth, or whether we should also reward the work and workers who create it," says Obama.

But the polls have tightened, with Obama's double digit lead over his rival slipping to 9 points. Sen. John McCain says, "I need your help. Volunteer, knock on doors, with your help we can win with a new direction."

An energized McCain attacked his rival's agenda. "Senator Obama is in the far left lane of American politics."

And in Florida where polls have both tickets neck and neck, running mate Sarah Palin made a play for senior citizens. "Barack Obama goes around promising a new kind of politics, but then he comes here to Florida and he tries to exploit the fears and the worries about social security and Medicare to our retirees."

McCain is scheduled to appear Saturday evening on Saturday Night Live. Both candidates are making closing arguments to football fans in interviews expected to air during halftime on Monday Night Football.


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