The Democrat is accused, among other things, of plotting to sell or trade President-elect /*Barack Obama*/'s U.S. Senate seat.
"I'm not going to quit a job the people hired me to do because of false accusations and a political lynch mob," Blagojevich said.
Blagojevich had been itching to talk, even though his attorney Ed Genson didn't like the idea.
Genson has said he plans to challenge the court-ordered wiretaps at the heart of the allegations against Blagojevich. Genson called the wiretaps inappropriate, if not illegal.
Genson said he expects a federal grand jury to indict his client, which likely would unseal many of the documents supporting the charges.
The governor is also accused of trying to strong-arm the Chicago Tribune into firing editorial writers who criticized him, and pressuring a hospital executive for campaign donations.