The Merced Mall has seen a steady stream of shoppers, each with their own reason for procrastinating.
Vicente Sigala said, "Why I wait for now? The reason is work, always working, always working, and today we got a day off and it's a good time."
Stores are happy to take advantage of the highly motivated shoppers. Some, like Best Buy, even opened early and plan to stay open late.
Merced Best Buy General Mgr. Jordan Rose said, "We've got every register running, and we still have a little bit of a line, so it kind of feels like a mini-Black Friday."
And there are plenty of Black Friday- like bargains to be found.
"You got lots of 50%, 60%, in all the stores, you bet," said Sigala.
While some shoppers say they're procrastination paid off thanks to the good last minute deals, others are finding there are fewer items left to choose from.
Maciel & Co. Owner Keri Maciel said, "I know with us we didn't buy as heavy as we usually do, try not to have a lot of carryover, so the people who shopped early got the best selection, and we're definitely not carrying a heavy inventory, and I think all of the department stores are the same way."
The National Retail Federation confirms retailers nationwide have imported less cargo this holiday season than last. But that didn't stop the shoppers we spoke with from finding the right gifts just in the nick of time.