Break the Barriers to perform for Dallas Mavericks

Thursday, November 21, 2019
Break the Barriers to perform for Dallas Mavericks
Break the Barriers invited to perform for Dallas Mavericks in Texas

FRESNO, Calif. (KFSN) -- Break the Barriers is heading to perform for the Dallas Mavericks.

The International Performing Team will be heading to Dallas, Texas to perform at the Dallas Mavericks halftime on December 4th.

The performance will feature talented aerialists who will soar and flip on a 22 foot high aerial rig.

The Mavericks will be facing off against the Minnesota Timberwolves.

Break the Barriers founder Deby Hergenrader say they are excited to perform on this big stage.

"Anything that can get us on a platform where people can see and take note, that all people can do things if they're given a chance," Hergenrader said. "That is the key word is opportunity, to be given a chance to discover your gifts and find out how far you can go with them."

The Mavericks are flying the team out.

The team is constantly fundraising to pay for staffing and other costs.

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