Lemoore Police officers make Christmas happen for family in need

Tuesday, December 26, 2017
Lemoore Police officers make Christmas happen for family in need
Some police officers in the South Valley are being recognized on social media Monday, after helping a family in need Sunday night.

LEMOORE, Calif. (KFSN) -- Some police officers in the South Valley are being recognized on social media Monday, after helping a family in need Sunday night.

If you look at Lemoore Police's official Facebook page, you'll see the department puts an emphasis on community relations.

That's especially true around the holidays, with programs like Presents on Patrol.

"That's where all of our programs are rooted in is working with the community," said Cpl. Mark Pescatore. "Making the community stronger, making sure the kids and the individuals know that we're here for more than just enforcing the laws but basically making their quality of life better."

That's what a handful of night shift officers were doing at the city's main shopping center on Christmas Eve, handing out donated toys and gifts to children and families.

While there, they heard about another family who did not have the means to get gifts for their children this year.

Pescatore says those officers then decided that family needed to have a proper Christmas.

"They stepped up, they got them a tree and a bunch of presents and they delivered it to the house," he said.

Officers also gave the family some food and $70 worth of gift cards.

On social media, people have been applauding the officers' actions.

One commented, "Lemoore PD is the spirit of Christmas."

Another person wrote, "Living and leading by example! You all brought so much joy to this family. Thank you."

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