Madera Police starting new program aimed at improving business while tackling crime

Friday, February 2, 2018
Madera Police starting new program aimed at improving business while tackling crime
Madera Police are going from business to business in hopes of revitalizing the downtown area while reducing crime.

MADERA, Calif. (KFSN) -- Madera Police are going from business to business in hopes of revitalizing the downtown area while reducing crime.

Police have stopped by more than 50 businesses in just three days to hear the concerns of business owners.

"Lighting cleanliness, any other issues we need to be aware of," said Madera Police.

This is part of the department's new Business Watch Program. Its goal is to make police aware of the issues happening downtown.

"The problems can be brainstormed the ideas can be brought up on how to solve problems, how to increase business," said Madera Police Department Sgt. Thomas Burns.

Some of the complaints they have heard are pedestrians not using crosswalks, and people spreading trash. Some business owners say the biggest problem is downtown's homeless population.

"I feel bad they don't have somewhere to go. Some of them are scary and I don't want them scaring my clients," said business owner Cyndy Wood.

Wood's office is downtown. She is tired of people trashing the nearby flower beds and finding people sleeping steps away from her office door.

"Being downtown kind of worries me so if they're going to step up policing and stuff like that, I'm for it. I might stay downtown longer," said Wood.

Officers say along with deterring crime, they are hoping this program will boost the city's economy.

"We can start moving toward things that'll make it a better place for the business, and people to come down and utilize these businesses," said Sgt. Burns.

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