PG&E customers face high energy rates amid ongoing heat wave

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Friday, July 19, 2024
PG&E customers face high energy rates amid ongoing heat wave
Megan Antijunti is just one Fresno resident that says she's experienced a recent increase in her PG&E bill.

FRESNO, Calif. (KFSN) -- Megan Antijunti is just one Fresno resident that says she's experienced a recent increase in her PG&E bill.

"It went from 284.70 to 529.82," said Megan Antijunti.

Antijunti tells Action News she's lived in her west central Fresno home since 2009 and she's never seen her electric bill rates this high even on the discounted CARE program.

"In the past we've had TV, we've had more people live here, and using more, lower air conditioning, $500, that's crazy," said Antijunti.

She says her two adult children live with her and they try to cut corners wherever they can, but it seems like it doesn't help.

"Where is this double coming from, like I said I have the A/C set at 78/79," said Antijunti.

PG&E spokesman Jeff Smith says they know the summer can be a difficult time for people.

"We understand that this is a really frustrating period of time for customers, there have been changes in rates, but also with these really hot temperatures here in the central valley, people just have a tendancy to need to use their air conditioning more and more electricity," said PG&E spokesman Jeff Smith.

Smith adds while there have been increases over the years, this month they are offering a temporary 9% rate decrease for customers, so relief may be on the way, just not on the current statements.

"Because the bills that have arrived so far are mostly usage that occurred in June, maybe a little bit of July or a lot of June or half and half, but nobody has received a bill just yet that has completely that 9 percent decrease impacted on their bill," said Smith.

But Antijunti says she wants the utility company to have more care for customers.

"Your mistakes, your urgencies are not our emergencies and you need to give us a break," said Antijunti.

She knows her children won't stay to help her pay her bills forever and she's afraid of what will happen once they are gone.

"I am just scared that I am going to be in that boat of trying to play catch up," said Antijunti.

Assemblyman Jim Patterson also released a statement about the utility rates:

"There is a growing bipartisan outrage in Sacramento that we have had it with PG&E's rate increases," Patterson said. "In the 12 years I have been the Vice Chair of the Utility and Energy Committee, I have warned against this year after year."

"PG&E will make all kinds of excuses as to why its rates have to go up. And, after multiple increases over the years, a 9% reduction is hardly the help ratepayers need when they are struggling to pay the PG&E bill, pay their rent, and put food on the table."

"Unless PG&E is willing to roll back rates to prior levels, this small offering of a reduction is just meaningless symbolism."

PG&E does have payment programs and assistance available, like the balanced payment plan and other resources available, you can find more information by clicking here.

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