Freed inmate surprised by former classmate turned judge

Monday, April 25, 2016
Judge embraces burglary suspect, former classmate
An emotional moment once more between a judge and her former classmate who ran into some trouble with the law

MIAMI, FL -- A judge and a burglary suspect who recognized each other as former middle school classmates in the courtroom have met once again, this time on happier terms.

Last June, Judge Mindy Glazer was presiding over a bond hearing for Arthur Booth, 49.

VIDEO: Burglary suspect cries after realizing judge is former classmate

A judge recognized a burglary suspect in her courtroom as a former classmate

Booth had been arrested in Hialeah, Florida after he was seen allegedly leaving the scene of a burglary.

During the hearing, Glazer had an interesting question.

"Mr. Booth, I have a question for you," Glazer asked. "Did you go to Nautilus for middle school?"

Booth broke down in tears. "Oh my goodness," he moaned. "Oh my goodness."

"I always wondered what happened to you, sir," Glazer said. "This was the nicest kid in middle school."

Both were once promising students of Miami Beach's Nautilus Middle School.

The video was seen millions of times since then, but just the other day, the two were reunited again after Booth was released from jail.

Glazer smiled at her familiar classmate. Booth smiled right back.

Both were surrounded by Booth's family as they embraced. And then, the judge left him with a hope-maybe a challenge.

"You're going to do something good for somebody else."

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