Utah mom finds kids' photos on porn websites

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Saturday, May 2, 2015
Utah mom's kid photos on porn sites
Utah mom's kid photos on porn sitesA Utah mom was alarmed to find her child's photos on porn websites

RIVERTON, Utah -- A Utah mother says her children's photos were lifted from Facebook, placed on a fake Instagram profile, and distributed to porn websites via tagging.

KUTV reports Brittany Champagne has two children and she thought posting pictures of her kids on Facebook was harmless.

She said, "I didn't think posting family photos could turn into something like that. I seriously feel like the worst mom having these on there and seeing what happened."

Champagne was on Instagram when she saw her 8-year-old daughter's picture on someone else's profile.

"I clicked on it and I found a girl claiming to be 11 years old as my daughter and she's a bisexual cheerleader and her whole page is about gay pride," Champagne said.

After further searches, Champagne says she found pictures of herself and her 9-month-old son on the same profile.

The fake account, KUTV reports, went even further. Champagne says the profile creator tagged porn sites. Now, Champagne says, her child's photos are seen alongside very graphic material.

"I can't imagine how kids would feel," Champagne said. "I feel beyond violated so I don't even know what they would feel."

Champagne reported the profile to police and is now trying to remove the material from her social media accounts.

The effort has made her re-think what she posts. Champagne said, "As far as looking at anybody's photos, you're not going to be able to see mine. They just won't have them up."

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