Changes for dialing in Central Valley now in effect with new area code on the way

If you use a landline, you now have to dial 1 plus the area code before the phone number.

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Wednesday, February 26, 2025
Changes for dialing in Central Valley with new area code on the way
Starting Wednesday, you will now need to dial some extra numbers when placing a phone call as Central California has a new area code on the way.

FRESNO, Calif. (KFSN) -- Starting Wednesday, you will now need to dial some extra numbers when placing a phone call.

That's because Central California has a brand new area code on the way.

If you use a landline, you now have to dial 1 plus the area code before the phone number.

RELATED: Live in the 559? Get ready for a change in how you dial as new 357 area code comes to Central Valley

Cellphone users also need to start a call by dialing the area code.

In addition to 559 and 209, Central California is adding a 357 area code.

The California Public Utilities Commission says this is because it's running out of numbers.

Starting March 26, new phone numbers may be assigned the new 357 area code.

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