FRESNO, Calif. (KFSN) -- It has become a growing trend, people earning money outside of their primary employment. Whether it is becoming an Uber Driver or a weekend handyman, millions are taking on a so-called side hustle.
Whether you're looking to kick-start your dream job or earn some extra cash on the side -- the way we think about work is changing
Nicole Giordano Ashjian is a popular radio DJ by day but in her spare time, Nicole is one of 44 million Americans turning her passion into a paycheck -- making money with a side hustle.
In fact, she has a couple of side gigs, customers pay up to $40 bucks for one of her custom Mickey Mouse hats. She has also teamed up with two other women to develop a successful event planning business in the central valley.
"If I'm going to maximize my day and apply myself in multiple directions it has to be worth my time...and it absolutely has been," said Ashjian.
It is all about balance for Cathy Caracciolo -- her side hustle allows her to leave the stress behind of her nursing job at Valley Children's Hospital. This is where she spends most of her free time, in her garage transforming yards of leather into designer handbags and backpacks.
"We can make money and that's the reason why we stick with it...and I love the process," said Caracciolo.
Thousands of orders come in from all over the world for one of her bags.
"We didn't really expect this its was like hey let's make an apron hey let's make a bag...oh look people like it...ok we're going to do this and things just fell into place," said Caracciolo.
Starting a new business can be intimidating for rookie entrepreneurs.
"I think at some point you just have to dive in....or you're always going to second guess yourself," said Tori D'ambrosi.
Tori D'ambrosi is tied to a desk all day working at a local car dealership. When she is not at her normal 9-to-5 Tori is scoring greenbacks with her green thumb. The additional income she generates from her succulent arrangements business is helping her pay down her student loan.
"To be able to have those extra things paid off and not feel the stress," said D'ambrosi.
Everyone would like to have a little extra cash in their pocket, but where do you begin? These women all say the key is to make attainable goals when you first start out.
"The accomplishment of starting something and building something...even if it fails or doesn't work... At least you tried," said Ashjian.
And of course side hustles can take up a lot of time and energy -- that is why it is so important to not allow yourself to get burned out.
"The reason I can take the stress of this job is becuase I have the clarity and perspective of my other job," said Caracciolo
Technology and social media are making marketing side hustles easier than ever.
"I started on social media and that's all I've done...I haven't paid for any advertising...I just Instagram posts...facebook posts," said D'ambrosi.
These entrepreneurs are living proof that a side hustle can help your own bottom line while allowing you the flexibility to still work your full-time job.