FRESNO, Calif. (KFSN) -- It's the night before Christmas and Santa is almost done taking orders.
At Fresno's Fashion Fair Mall we asked kids what they wanted from Santa. A 5-year-old boy named Aden told us he wanted a robot. Three-year-old Jack wanted a truck. Jack's sister Emily, who looked about five wanted Lego's and sister Kate who was a little older wanted make-up.
Santa will be working long into the night filling those orders for all those names on his list and so will his helpers. Dads, like Zack Rowell who hopes to pick up a few more things after the kids are done seeing Santa.
"Well, you know how Dads are," said Zack. "I still have a little shopping to do."
Zack's not alone, according to our exclusive Action News Poll conducted by SurveyUSA, only 58 percent of shoppers had all of their shopping done as of December 23rd.
Sandi Bolster was shopping at Whole Foods doing what she said was "very last minute shopping." She said she probably spent a little more on Christmas than she planned. "Well, since I have a grandchild, yeah I'm probably spending more."
More than half of those surveyed said they were spending about what they expected. But 28 percent admitted spending more. Luis Espino and his wife had a long Christmas list, including a one-year-old.
"Yes, we did," said Luis. "We have a lot of brothers. I have four younger siblings and she as well has four younger siblings and then we have the baby."
Most shoppers are looking for gifts for their families, friends, or, even, employees. Torri Robles was at Honey Baked Hams where her boss sent her to get twenty four hams and four turkeys, enough stuff for the whole office.
Torri said, "The company that I work for B and L Mechanical the owners give the hams out to the employees every year, so we do Hams and Turkeys."
Rudy Acosta was buying half a dozen hams, for the employees of his tattoo shop in Clovis.
Action News asked, "So why are you stocking up on ham here today?"
Rudy replied, "They deserve more, but it's the best I can do."
Everyone is hustling to do their best, but the clock is ticking, and if you are shopping late, you could run into Warren Rost of Fresno. It's startling to see him in the store, because with his long white beard he looks like Santa. He says he started Christmas shopping in July, and isn't quite done yet.