Watch the holiday yule log

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Holiday Yule Log (No Music)
Now you can bring the magic of the holiday season into your living room with ABC7's yule log live stream.

NORTH POLE -- No fireplace, no problem! Bring the magic of the holiday season into your living room with our yule log stream.

Want to watch on a bigger screen? Now you can wherever you stream: Fire TV, Android TV, Apple TV and Roku.

VIDEO: Watch our holiday yule log without music

Now you can bring the magic of the holiday season into your living room with ABC7's yule log live stream.

The term "Yuletide" refers partly to the pre-Christian Anglo-Saxon feast of the winter solstice, a time to put on a "yule log" and create light and warmth in the bleak of midwinter.

Winter solstice celebrations reach back to ancient Rome, to the Saturnalia, a popular holiday that celebrated Saturn. There are many similar traditions, such as Yalda, an Iranian celebration of the solstice that has roots in the ancient religion of Zoroastrianism.

CNNWire contributed to this report.

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